Silvia Biet

Silvia Biet

Psychology and migration

In an increasingly fast-paced world, where life is a succession of fleeting experiences and we often feel empty, taking a pause and connecting with well-being helps us make better choices. We have relative control over what happens externally, and we can always work on ourselves to feel better.

Mental health in the 21st century

Stress, social and personal pressures, changes, and losses make us more vulnerable to a world that is often hostile. My concrete proposal is to provide tools to understand the situation you are facing and techniques to seek solutions. Thirty years of experience in psychological practice, combined with virtuality and global hyperconnectivity, led me to create this ambitious project.

Online listening and support space addressing your needs


Facilitating intervention in multicultural teams


The psychology of migration, a necessary specificity in many areas of contemporary life


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Taking care of our mental health is simpler than it seems; we just need to overcome certain internal resistances

About Me

Psychology and Immigration

I am Silvia Biet, a clinical psychologist who graduated from the University of Buenos Aires. I specialize in psychology and immigration. This topic has influenced various moments in my life as a woman, mother, health professional, and immigrant.

I worked for 10 years in Argentina before emigrating in 2000 to the island of Saint Martin in the French Caribbean. On the island, I worked in my private practice and in various organizations for 17 years, serving a multicultural and multilingual audience.

In 2017, I moved to Montreal, Canada, for two years, where I completed a specialization in “Immigration and Interethnic Relations” at the University of Quebec in Montreal, while also volunteering at a community organization aimed at Latino immigrants.

During those years, I created my online virtual psychology practice called Psychologie Virtuelle.

In 2019, I emigrated back to Buenos Aires, Argentina, and continued working remotely, well-prepared for the reality imposed by the Covid pandemic.

Since 2020, I have participated in various multidisciplinary teams, providing training on psychology and immigration. I conduct different research on this topic related to migration, return migration, and particularly the migration of women.

Information About My Project

Clinical psychology, social psychology, and my own experience have led me to research the core topic of this project, which is the psychology of migration.

The concrete objectives of this proposal are:

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